Roleplay Info

I was going to overhaul this page entirely, but the summary below made me so nostalgic I couldn't bring myself to do it. Thus, please indulge this silly person with her whims, and if you're interested in reading about what HiddenClan was like some four years ago, feel free to read the italicized text below.

We have not yet commenced roleplaying in the "new" HiddenClan, but this page will be updated once we do so. :) Please comment below if you have any questions or concerns.

- Willowfoot

This is what's going on in RP in HiddenClan. It won't be much, but will be enough to know the exciting scenes going on so far.
Dawnlight and Stormheart battled. Stormheart would have won, but StarClan wasn't on his side, so they killed him and his kits; Silverkit, Moonkit, and Tigerkit. Rosebreeze, who was Stormheart's mate, changed her name to Rosethorn, after "the thorns that tore at her heart".
Shortly after the battle, a  Twoleg tornado alarm went off. The Clan was about to have a tornado. Wolfstar yelled at the Clan to go up the cliffs, to Falconclaw's old home. Then Lira, the alpha wolf from a wolf pack nearby, leaped over the Clan entrance and went with the Clan.Most of the Clan was safe, but three cats were still in danger; Icefrost, who was hiding under a bush, Magicheart, who was swept away with the tornado, and Willowfoot (me) who fell off the cliff.
The rest of the Clan went to shelter in Falconclaw's cave, and Wolfstar, Jetstream, Lira, Camofur, and Dawnlight went to get the cats in danger. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Lira and Camofur rescued Magicheart, who was immediately hauled back to the cave, Jetstream went to help them, Wolfstar found Icefrost, who was lying unconscious in a clearing, and Dawnlight fetched Willowfoot.
When Dawnlight and Willowfoot were getting to the cave, Wolfstar picked up their scent and with Icefrost's scruff in her jaws, Wolfstar confronted Dawnlight. They argued for a while, because Dawnlight killed Rosethorn, who was given a life back by Stormheart, and Wolfstar didn't think that was right. Their argument was cut short when Willowfoot yowled at them to stop.
Meanwhile, a cat named Red found Rosethorn, and they basically started flirting.Willowfoot found them, and Rosethorn, who wasn't really happy at being found out, ordered Willowfoot to find her (Rosethorn's) kits, who were reincarnated, aged, and in another tunnel.Willowfoot found them, but then a mudslide occurred. Willowfoot was injured at that time, so she yowled at the kits to escape. She was caught in the mudslide and passed out.Meanwhile, the kits found their mother, and Rosethorn had to leave Red.
Magicheart and Cloverspots went to find Willowfoot.
The rest of the Clan was rejoicing, but Magicheart, Cloverspots and Willowfoot were stuck in ThunderClan territory, after trying to escape the tunnels. Luckily, they still had Dovewing, a ThunderClan warrior, to help them. Dovewing escorted the HiddenClan warriors to the border, and left them, expecting no trouble. Unfortunately, she was wrong, for three foxes appeared and attacked Magichearty, Cloverspots, and Willowfoot. They would've been killed, but Skywhisker (a dead HiddenClan warrior and former deputy) came down from StarClan and helped them escape.A fox had captured Willowfoot and was starting to drag her towards their den. The remaining warriors had assumed the foxes wanted to eat her. They devised a plan and rescued Willowfoot, and Wolfstar, Razorblade, and Dawnlight went to help, and Lionroar went to find Waveclaw, worrying about her.
Lionroar was injured by the foxes, and hadn't been found yet.

The foxes fought back but were finally driven away when a Twoleg gunshot cracked through the woods. They left, but who knows if they will return... :3
Some cats from BloodClan came to HiddenClan territory, including Wolfstar's sister, Scorch, and Lash, another cat from BloodClan. Lash was bitten by a venomous snake, and was hauled to camp for treatment. Dawnlight and Magicheart went to find a herb that was claimed to cure snakebite, but it didn't work, so Wolfstar announced they would have to amputate Lash's leg before the poison spread.
Wolfstar was distraught to see her Clan in such chaos, and lost her temper, attacking Scorch. It turned out that a prophecy was made by Lira, when the two sisters were still in BloodClan. The prophecy was that once Wolfstar and Scorch lost hope in their lives, they were doomed to die. It was true, and Scourge, former leader of BloodClan before he died, sent Scorch and Wolfstar into a trance and was about to kill them, when Wolfstar asked to return to her Clan for the last time for two minutes.

Once back at her Clan, Wolfstar told the warriors that she was about to die, and her next act surprised everyone; Waveclaw would not become leader, but Willowfoot, in fact, was to destined to take Wolfstar's place.
Wolfstar pronounced Willowfoot as Willowstar. Those were her last words before Scourge took her back in and killed her and her sister with the same killing move that he used to kill Tigerstar (slashed at their throat to their tail. Scourge needed to take all of Wolfstar's remaining lives).Willowfoot's wounds and broken hind legs were healed by StarClan once HiddenClan had finished mourning for Wolfstar. Cloverspots and Willowfoot went to the Moonpool, to receive Willowfoot's lives before she became leader.---It is now leaf-bare, but the Clan is still thriving under their new leader. A few FlameClan cats went to seek shelter with HiddenClan after a fire in their own Clan. These cats are Camopaw, Arrow, Rosefur, Stonepaw, and Malicepaw. Then disaster strikes.Bloodpaw of FlameClan, a murderous black apprentice, had gone missing the past few moons, but is now back, and thirsty for blood. He entered HiddenClan territory and killed Frostfang, who was hunting. He later baited Rocktalon with deathberries, killing him too, and also killed Stormcloud and Stormsky.Blizzardfur, Frostfang's sister, was devastated when he found that his sister was dead. When Bloodpaw unexpectedly attacked the camp one day, Blizzardfur chased Bloodpaw, and fell off a cliff when he misjudged a leap.By then, Willowstar led out a scouting patrol trying to track down Bloodpaw. Bloodpaw attacked this patrol when Willowstar wasn't looking, and set a trap for the leader; a deep pit in the middle of the forest path. When Willowstar fell into the trap, Bloodpaw pounced, slashing her neck but not managing to hurt anything vital.Deathwing heard her leader's cries and ran to the rescue. After a brief fight with Bloodpaw, Deathwing was thrown down, badly wounded, and died after Willowstar got her to camp.Bloodpaw wasn't finished. He secretly recruited Malicepaw as his partner. They went around all the Clans, stealing kits.An apprentice called Maplepaw from RainClan came to HiddenClan, bearing kits. She unexpectedly joined with Bloodpaw and Malicepaw, lending her kits to them.After a few moons of unexpected peace, Malicepaw distracted HiddenClan away from the camp and Bloodpaw sneaked into their camp, killing many warriors and taking the rest of the kits. (Hopefully) deciding he was finished with vengeance, he left HiddenClan. Malicepaw disappeared.HiddenClan had peace once more, and accepted two rogue kits into the Clan; Mistykit and Silverkit, who were being cared for by Frostwhisker, a warrior.Then one day, Moonbeam, one of HiddenClan's warriors, came back to HiddenClan camp with a strange report; an odd smell in the forest. Willowstar led a patrol with Dragonwing the deputy, Firefeather and Moonbeam.The strange smell was Tigerstar; he had a band of Dark Forest cats with him. Willowstar's patrol was chased back to camp and there the camp was attacked. It was a fierce but short battle. During the battle Willowstar had her throat slashed and narrowly missed losing a life. The battle was cut short when Dawnlight, unexpectedly revealed as Willowstar's mother, came and pleaded Tigerstar to stop.The battle was stopped, and the Dark Forest cats disappeared.---A few moons have passed, and HiddenClan was heading back to their camp after a Gathering. Willowstar was leading the way, when suddenly the Dark Forest spirit of Mapleshade appeared in front of her. She stalled the leader while the Dark Forest secretly attacked the camp once more, but luckily, the Gathering patrol managed to get back to the camp before any real damage was done, and only Willowstar and Moonbeam were the ones injured.That night, while the Clan was resting after the attack, Moonbeam left camp to do her nightly star-gazing, but was suddenly hit by a vision of StarClan. In this vision, she saw Bluestar, who warned Moonbeam about an attack from a hidden enemy. Two other short visions flashed by; a vision with all the Clans lying dead on the forest floor while the enemy gloated over their victory, and another image of the HiddenClan cats being the ones to stand victorious, while the enemy cats faded away at their paws. Bluestar warned Moonbeam to unite the Clans and follow the 'clues', and then disappeared.After the dream ended, Moonbeam consulted with Willowstar and Heatherpaw, who was the medicine cat apprentice. Shortly after, Moonbeam and Heatherpaw decided to go out into the territories and warn all the Clans. However, they only went a short way until leaf-bare unexpectedly hit them, and Moonbeam was forced to return to the camp. Heatherpaw herself went around to warn the Clans, and managed to tell the medicine cats about the danger and the Clans having to unite. It is unknown if this message was heeded.Cloverspots went to the Moonpool in hopes of learning more from StarClan.Watermist, who was a rogue cat from outside the Clans, joined HiddenClan unexpectedly one day. Willowstar decided to mentor her and teach her about the warrior code.It was nighttime when Heatherpaw finally was on her way back to the camp. She came across the Moonpool, and Cloverspots as well, who was still there. Heatherpaw went and shared tongues with StarClan, who gave the apprentice a prophecy; "Only the Prophetical Three can stop Bloodpaw. The Clans will win."This message was passed to HiddenClan, though not even Cloverspots knows how the Prophetical Three will help them. At this time, the only Prophetical Three that were known were Jayfeather, Lionblaze and Dovewing in the distant ThunderClan.Heatherpaw visited the Moonpool again in another attempt to find answers. She was greeted by Spottedleaf, who, very unexpectedly, told Heatherpaw that Willowstar was her mother.This news was taken very seriously by Willowstar, as another piece of her broken mind returned to her. (See the page "Beyond the Roleplay" for the explanation of Willowstar's kits.)One moon of peace passed, and Mistykit got apprenticed and turned into Mistypaw, with Dragonwing as her mentor.As HiddenClan was returning from  another Gathering, they came across an strange cat in their borders, whose name was Darkfang. Darkfang did not remember her past at all, only knowing that she had come from a strange, distant tribe called "RuneTribe". Darkfang was held high in suspicion by the Clan cats, but was nonetheless accepted (at least temporarily) into the Clan by Willowstar.The next day, Willowstar took Darkfang and Mosswhisker out into the forest, wanting to teach Darkfang how to hunt and fight in the Clan's way. Heatherpaw and Mistypaw were on their own walkabout nearby, when suddenly they ran into two very unexpected young cats; Oakkit and Drizzlekit, Willowstar's long lost kits and Heatherpaw's brothers, whom were presumed dead for many moons.They were naturally shocked when they found Oakkit and Drizzlekit, but when Willowstar found Mistypaw, Heatherpaw, and her two sons in the clearing, she accepted her sons into the Clan immediately. Darkfang, however, is very suspicious of the two brothers.A few days later, a cat called Moonflame was also accepted into the Clan, and was found by a night patrol while he was being attacked by rogues. They brought him back to camp for healing, and is at the moment residing in the medicine den.Oakkit and Drizzlekit were apprenticed, and are now Oakpaw and Drizzlepaw, mentored by Moonbeam and Adderfang.---Unfortunately, the pleasant early spring days would not last for long. Eaglefang and Mistheart were strolling around the territory one day when, to the shock of all, they found the dead bodies of Icefrost and Jetstream. The heavy scent of both mixing RainClan and HiddenClan were found upon their pelts. Willowstar was infuriated upon hearing about their deaths, and declared war with RainClan.The night of the Gathering, HiddenClan attacked RainClan, ignorant of the fact that it was the full moon. The fight went on until about moonhigh, when even more disaster struck. Bloodpaw, who had been all but forgotten about the Clans in light of the current events, sprang into the battle, killing many cats. Bloodpaw's warrior name had been turned into Bloodstreak, and it wasn't RainClan who had killed Icefrost and Jetstream; it was Bloodstreak.Struck by terror, the two battling Clans went out of control. We have yet to find out what will happen next.

Roleplay will be updated once new stuff comes up.

UPDATED: 03/15/2013If you want the full story, go to


  1. thats a great summary. thanks for doing this so i wouldnt have to keep updating. here's what I'll do- everyti,e i make a post on hiddenclan, I'll make a limk to this page so that people know to come here to get a rundown on the role play. thanks again! :)
